Chartered Institute of Management Accountants
IMI-Kolkata has been collaborating with CIMA (Chartered Institute of Management Accountants), UK for research focussed on exploring linkages between Corporate Social Responsibility and firm performance.
IBangladesh Institute of Development Studies
Faculty Members are working on a project on Water and Sanitation which has been funded by South Asia Network of Economic Research Institutes , through a World Bank sub-grant and is managed by Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies.

Denmark Technical University (DTU)
The Institute’s Faculty Members have also worked on a project on Energy Environment Linkages funded by UNEP-RISOE Centre (United Nations Environment Programme) through Denmark Technical University (DTU).
Consulting and Engineering Firm – Tetra Tech
The Institute’s Faculty Members have been working on a project on Energy/Water Nexus funded by USAID (United States Agency for International Development ) and managed by TetratechES.