“A whole ecosystem awaits to guide you forward in life.”
– Professor Mohua Banerjee, Director, IMI Kolkata
The Orientation Programme for the incoming PGDM Batch of 2021-23 at International Management Institute Kolkata kicked off on the morning of 21st of June, 2021. The commencement of the event was marked by the cordial welcome speech presented by our honorable Director, Professor Mohua Banerjee, International Management Institute Kolkata addressing the students in the virtual platform. The entire programme was held online owing to the current pandemic crisis along with the participation of over two hundred individuals in the virtual room.
Professor Mohua Banerjee familiarized the students with the rules and regulations of the institute and asked the newcomers to solely focus on building their skills, which would help them to face the world in the near future. Succeeding that, Mr. Ajaya Kumar Sahoo, Executive Director, Group Corporate HR, RPSG Group took over the virtual podium and laid importance on the significance of “positivity in an individual’s perspective” in his speech. He also shared valuable insights on the rich array of opportunities for the freshers who just entered the lively, challenging, diverse and competitive corporate world. The session was conducted by Dr. Rituparna Basu, Associate Professor, Marketing, Retail and Entrepreneurship, International Management Institute Kolkata and a vote of thanks was extended by Professor Rachana Chattopadhyay, Dean (Academics), International Management Institute Kolkata who brought the introductory programme to an end. The students then geared themselves for a series of insightful guest lectures that followed.

“The best way to learn is by asking questions.” said Professor Himadri Das, DirectorGeneral, IMI New Delhi who motivated the students to deliver the best of their potential at any aspect of academia or work life. He also shared valuable information upon the respective industry norms with the students. The students also received a detailed explanation on the prospect of MBA and PGDM programmes. They were thoroughly briefed upon the multi-dimensional aspects of each programme both on the academic as well as the industrial interest. He was followed by Mr. Shubhasis Mitra, Executive Director and Group Company Secretary, CESC Ltd. who highlighted the key elements and workings of the institute. This gave the students a glimpse of their forthcoming academic journey that they are about to embark upon. Addressing the students, he concluded his speech by saying, “Hard work along with educational qualification is essential for becoming successful in life.” Following the address, the students got an opportunity to interact with Mr. Dhritiman Sengupta, National Head – Strategic Accounts, Randstad India who delivered an insightful lecture on “Right mindset to face the corporate world in the new normal”. He shared valuable information about the respective industry norms with the students. “It’s not work, it’s my passion.” stated our respected panelist as he shared some of his practical experiences and encouraged the importance of creativity and curiosity to be successful. He also emphasized on the adjustment of the new students with their fellow classmates and illustrated International Management Institute Kolkata’s holistic approach in educational development. The power packed brainstorming session brought the first day of orientation to its conclusion.
The second day of the Orientation Programme proved to be a resounding success with the new batch of students exceedingly enthusiastic about beginning the next stage of their education. The students were in conversation with Mr. Sunil Bhandari, Executive Director, Corporate, RPSG Group who helped the newcomers know the institution and its potential better so that they could make the best use of its facilities. He stated that the programme would be fruitful for them to know more about the legacy they are now a part of. He also urged the students to decide what they want to become in life and act upon that and advised them to be determined to realize their dreams. While concluding his inaugural address, he wished for them to be successful in their lives and urged them to return to their roots to serve the society in the best possible way. The session was conducted by Dr. Rituparna Basu, Associate Professor, Marketing, Retail & Entrepreneurship, International Management Institute Kolkata who extended a heartfelt vote of thanks to our esteemed panellist at the end of the session.

International Management Institute Kolkata conducted an Alumni Lecture on its third day of the Orientation Programme. The lecture session was honoured by the presence of Mr.Snigdho Sundar Kundu, Business Intelligence Engineer, Amazon Development Centre, India who exhorted the students for hard-work, honesty and encouraged them to take up challenges while prepping up to be the forerunners of not only the institution but also in the development of our country. He also discussed various aspects of interaction with the industrial world, exploring several avenues for skill-based training purposes. The following evening, a panel discussion was held amongst Ms. Pavethra Ponniah, Senior Vice President & Co- Group Head, ICRA, Mr. Varun Alagathi, Regional Business Leader, Technology Sector, Mercer and Ms. Bhawana Dhawan, HR Head, Pladis Global (South East Asia). Dr. Rohit Singh, Chairperson- Corporate Relations & Placement and Assistant Professor (Operations), International Management Institute Kolkata moderated the discussion on the topic “What industry wants in New Normal”. The discussion revolved around what qualities the new batch must develop and skills they must possess to set them apart from their contemporaries in the corporate world. “Build networks and start building early. You can be an introvert and still be good at it.” said Ms. Pavethra Ponniah, Senior Vice President & Co- Group Head, ICRA as she explained her work and enlightened students with some handy tips they must possess to survive in the industry. By giving the example of Indra Nooyi, she threw light on the perks of being aware of “the next big thing”. She was succeeded by Ms. Bhawana Dhawan, HR Head, Pladis Global (South East Asia), who advised the students to get ‘technology friendly’ since everything including the interviews, selection process etc would be held virtual in the near future. He stated that the students must learn to face the camera, build high quality networks and have different skill sets to present in interviews. She also highlighted the importance of being responsive and being able to collaborate with different people in the virtual world. Even during collaborating with various people, one must be able to highlight his/her individual contribution along with the team.

“How many of you are interested to be happy in your life?”, asked Professor Rachana Chattopadhyay, Dean (Academics), IMI Kolkata as she began her session on Universal Human Values, as per AICTE guidelines on 28thof June, 2021. She made it clear that it was not based on spirituality or on religious beliefs but was dependent on relationality. She asked various questions to the students giving an opportunity to their young minds to think differently as she explained the importance of happiness in our lives in addition to how value-based education shapes our personality and relationships with people around us. The session was a food for thought for the participants, which concluded with the line, “Right understanding of physical facilities and relationships gives true meaning of happiness. ”
On the evening of 29th June, 2021, International Management Institute was in conversation with Mr. Kaushik Roy, Managing Director, PCBL Ltd. And Sector Head (SBU-A)-Harrisons Malayalam Limited and Member Group Management Board, RPSG Group, in the Orientation Programme whose speech gave the new students a glimpse into the key shifts that are likely to impact and shape the corporate industry in the new normal. The session was conducted by Professor Rachana Chattopadhyay, Dean (Academics), International Management Institute Kolkata who extended a vote of thanks to the speaker bringing the fruitful session to its end. The session was interactive and boosted the morale of all the management spirits in theroom.

The Orientation Programme for PGDM Batch 2021-23 was concluded on 30th June,2021 by the presence of Mr. Gautam Ray, Executive Director (HR & Admin), CESC Ltd. “Earlier, the focus was solely on maximization”, stated our panelist “but now the objective is to optimize, which brings efficiency into picture.” The students received an overall perspective from various speakers and corporate leaders throughout the entire course of the Orientation Programme and gained key insights on the skills they must develop in order to outshine in their domains. To conclude, it was heart-warming to see how fast these students who were strangers ten days prior came together by the end of the programme in such comradery, one would suscept they were lifelong friends.