- This would be delivered either in the short duration or a long duration format. As the name suggests, this would be completely driven by the organization needs, themes etc. The focus in this segment would be in the following areas
- Expectation setting
- Unlearn
- Learn
- Application
- Impact measurement
Our custom programs address the strategic challenges of individual organizations and are tailored to their specific professional development and training needs. We establish close working relationships with our corporate clients to co-create the architecture and content of the training modules to optimize the added value and impact of the program. Throughout the delivery stage, all the components of the program are carefully analysed, monitored and adapted to ensure the objectives of both the organization and the participants are achieved.
Customized learning in executive education involves complementing traditional Face-to-Face programs with e-learning technologies such as Live Online sessions, simulations, discussion boards, group projects, classroom interactions, videos, and more. It brings in the best of all worlds, presenting the learner with just the right experience at just the right moment in their development.
The Flame customized learning methodology is characterized by:
Custom Program Design Process

Discover & Decipher
Exploratory Meeting – Our team shall meet your company representatives for understanding your company’s needs
Initial Assessment – Analyse your requirements, goals and understand the target group profile
Assessment Proposal – Based on the initial assessment, a suggested structure and topics of the program in brief are proposed
Diagnose & Design
Explore & Diagnose – Once the assessment proposal is approved, our team would be conducting detailed analysis with the stakeholders and the participants to have a solid understanding of your development needs
Diagnostic Proposal – A diagnostic proposal shall be submitted which would be present the results of the diagnostic exercise and suggestive themes of the topics that have emerged
Design – Post the diagnosis we shall design structure and content of the program to create a fully customizable solution to your needs

Deliver & Debrief
Deliver – There shall be no fixed teaching method and our approach shall be the one which will deliver maximum impact on your employees. Our programs shall be blend of classroom sessions, simulations, role plays, case studies, etc.
Feedback – Post completion of every program we shall capture the feedback of the participants
Debrief – A debriefing is provided at the end of the program to understand the learning journey for the participants and the goals it has attained
Impact Measurement – We would be measuring both qualitative and quantitative impact of the programs on employees and their businesses
Custom Solutions
- Strategy formulation & execution
- Leading teams for high performance
- Developing Leadership Capabilities
- General Management Programs
- Managing in a VUCA world
- Digital Transformation
- Business Model creation
- Innovation & Change Management
- Growth Strategy
- Design Thinking
- Functional Programs – Sales, Finance, Supply chain etc