Prof. Mohua Banerjee
Director & Professor – IMI Kolkata
Professor Mohua Banerjee, Director, IMI Kolkata is a Professor of Marketing with over fifteen years of teaching experience. Having completed her PhD in Commerce – Marketing from University of Calcutta, she has taught in India and abroad as visiting professor. She is an independent director in Electrosteel Castings Limited. Professor Banerjee is also involved in Retail Management curriculum development for National Skill Development Mission, NITTTR, Ministry of Education, formerly Ministry of HRD, Government of India.
Professor Banerjee teaches courses on Marketing Management, Retail Marketing, Sales & Distribution and Marketing Communication in India. She has been a visiting professor in foreign Universities like University of Bordeaux, University of Tours and Celsa-Sorbonne University in France. She has taught courses on the Indian Perspectives of Digital Marketing, Consumer Behaviour, International Retailing and Supply Chain Management in the Masters Programme of foreign universities. She has been invited as a guest speaker in The Retail Institute of Leeds Business School, UK, and at the University of Dauphine, France. She is also a visiting professor in Retail Marketing in the M. Com Department of St. Xavier’s College, Kolkata.
As an academician and researcher, Professor Banerjee has immensely contributed to research published in international journals. Some of these journals are Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Journal of Marketing Management and Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management to name a few. She is currently working as part of the prestigious ‘UK-India Education & Research Initiative’ (UKIERI) Research Grant Project on agricultural value chains with Leeds Beckett University, UK.
She has received several awards and recognition for his academic and consulting work like “CMI Level 3 Award in First Line Management” from Chartered Management Institute (CMI) UK, and the Prof. Indira Parikh – 50 Women in Education Leaders Award from the World Education Congress.
As an academic administrator, she has held various positions of importance such as Dean – Placements, Corporate & Alumni Relations, Chairperson- Admissions and many more at IMI Kolkata.
Professor Mohua Banerjee has been associated with Electrosteel Castings Limited as an independent director in and is also a member of the Governance Committee. Professor Mohua has consulted in the telecom sector and has conducted practice-oriented retail research with Oxford Institute of Retail Management, Saïd Business School, University of Oxford.