IDRAC Business School, France
IDRAC Business School is a private institution of higher education and has nine campuses in France: Amiens, Bordeaux, Grenoble, Lyon, Montpellier, Nantes, Nice, Paris and Toulouse. IDRAC offers a portfolio of business management programs with focus on marketing and management. (Accreditations: AACSB; EFMD). The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with IMI Kolkata for academic collaboration focuses on Joint Research Activities, Exchange of Faculty Members and Organization of Conferences, short duration programmes.
Emporia State University, Kansas, USA
Emporia State University is one of the oldest public universities in the state of Kansas, U.S.A. The collaboration focuses on academic and research activities in the field of business management and business education along with student and faculty exchange programmes and organization of seminars, workshops and conferences.

College of Business and Economics, University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada
The University of Guelph is a reputed public research university in Canada. This marks IMI Kolkata’s first collaboration in Canada. The co-operation aims at joint research, mutual visits of academic personnel between IMI Kolkata and the College, joint conferences, short duration courses and management development programmes
ESC Rennes School of Business, France
ESC Rennes School of Business, France and IMI Kolkata have partnered to establish and facilitate educational and academic exchanges between the two institutions to enable their students and professors to gather and exchange academic and professional experience. The two institutions have agreed to promote mutually beneficial activities in the areas of education and research along with cooperation towards the internationalization of higher education.

Xunta De Galicia
IMI Kolkata in association with Xunta de Galicia has undertaken a student exchange program wherein nominated students from IMI Kolkata have studied in Spain for a certain duration and taken courses on International Marketing, International Business and Entrepreneurship.
Sichuan Academy of Social Sciences, Sichuan, China
Sichuan Academy of Social Sciences was founded in 1978, and it has currently been developed into a research base and center of philosophy and social sciences. The academy is positioned as a premium think-tank of China. The collaboration between the two institutes encompass joint research, faculty and student exchange, provision of technical, scientific and cultural activities open to the public at large and provision of opportunities for training teachers and researchers

Kunming University of Science and Technology
Kunming University of Science and Technology (KUST) is one of the top 100 universities in China, and the largest university as well as the only polytechnic university across Yunnan Province. The cooperation agreement between IMI Kolkata and Kunming University of Science and Technology encompasses institutional exchange of faculty and students, development of teaching and research activities related to the areas of interest and competencies of the faculty and students. It also covers technical, scientific and cultural activities.
North South University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
IMI Kolkata has a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for academic collaboration with the North South University (NSU), the first private university promoted by several business leaders/philanthropists in Bangladesh, encompassing areas of mutual benefit and interest, such as joint research projects, publications, executive development programmes, exchange programmes for students and faculty members, bilateral consultancy projects etc

Sichuan University of China
IMI Kolkata has entered into a student exchange and research collaboration programme with Sichuan University of China. As a part of the student exchange programme, selected Students from Sichuan University will spend a trimester at IMI Kolkata and vice-versa. They will receive scholarships for the same. Faculty members from both institutes will engage in joint research publications, organization of seminars and conferences of international importance.
Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
IMI Kolkata has engaged with Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, UERJ, one of the largest universities in Brazil. The engagement encompasses research collaboration, student exchange programme, faculty exchange programme, and promotion of joint research publications, organization of seminars and conferences of international significance.

University College, Kiseljak, Bosnia and Herzegovina
CEPS – Centre for Business Studies is accredited by the Agency for Development of Higher Education and Quality Assurance of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The collaboration aims at promotion of joint publications and research work, institutional exchange between the faculty members, developing of teaching and/or research activities related to the areas of interests of IMI Kolkata and CEPS and organizing conferences, short duration courses and management development programmes.
The University Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée
The University Paris -Est Marne-la-Vallee is a public institution exhibiting cultural, scientific and professional excellence. It focuses on training policy and development of research excellence. The collaboration aims at promotion of joint publications and research work, institutional exchange between the faculty members and students, developing of teaching and/or research activities related to the areas of interests and competencies of both the institutions.

Université François-Rabelais (University of Tours)
IMI Kolkata is associated with IAE François Rabelais University (Université François-Rabelais) or University of Tours, a public university in Tours, France. The University of Tours has full time MBA programmes and is an active partner of the International Institute of Education – IIE.
Turku University of Applied Sciences, Finland
Turku University of Applied Sciences, Finlandis located in Southwestern Finland. It is the second largest university in the country as measured by student enrollment. The university has its main operations are in Turku, Pori and Rauma. The collaboration aims at promotion of joint publications and research work, institutional exchange between the faculty members and students, developing of teaching and/or research activities related to the areas of interests of IMI Kolkata.

University of Bordeaux, France
IMI Kolkata has an academic collaboration with University of Bordeaux. The institutes agreed to participate in faculty and student exchange programmes alongside joint research publications and joint conferences/seminars/workshops.
Instituto Internacional de Educação- IIE, Brazil
Instituto Internacional de Educação and IMI Kolkata aim to expand the availability of knowledge and human resources with better technical scientific input. The collaboration also aims to establish a program of cooperation contributing to development of projects undertaken jointly.

Autonomous University of Sinaloa, Mexico
Autonomous University of Sinaloa, Mexico s a Mexican public university based in the city of Culiacán, Sinaloa, with several campuses across the state. The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with IMI Kolkata for academic collaboration focuses on Joint Research Activities, Exchange of Faculty Members and Organization of Conferences, short duration programmes.