
Fellow Programme in Management (FPM)
Full-time Programme – AICTE approved

The Fellow Programme in Management (FPM) at IMI Kolkata has been launched in 2017. It is designed to cater to the scholarly needs of researchers and executives willing to pursue rigorous research work at the doctoral level on a full-time basis. The FPM programme is aimed at giving prospective scholars an academic space to encourage them to extend existing knowledge into a new realm of expertise and understanding. The FPM research scholars of IMI Kolkata are expected to undertake a rigorous, multidisciplinary approach to offer original works of theoretical and application-oriented research.

The Programme

IMI Kolkata offers ample opportunities for advanced study and research. The primary focus of the programme is to prepare qualified candidates for academic careers in research, teaching and consultancy. The programme includes intensive formal courses as well as individually pursued self- study or seminar courses on special topics. The research scholars are expected to work closely with the Institute’s faculty members, both inside and outside the classroom.

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Programme Objective

  • Identify and analyse problems through research evidence for providing innovative solutions.
  • Evaluate claims, arguments, evidence, and hypotheses.
  • Synthesize knowledge across multiple domains, modes of inquiry, historical periods, and perspectives and identify linkages between existing knowledge and new information.
  • Communicate research work effectively.
  • Develop the prospect of new age management education in India with pertinent theoretical insights.
  • Train, motivate and empower prospective scholars to become highly skilled and innovative researchers and facilitators.
Programme duration

The programme consists of two phases. The first phase of the programme involves course work for minimum one year and maximum of three years followed by pre-registration seminar. Scholars are required to complete coursework in core and elective subjects, engage in developing review articles, and develop a nuanced understanding of their chosen domain. This phase culminates in a pre-registration seminar, where scholars demonstrate their preparedness to transition into independent research.

The second phase requires scholars to work on their thesis. This involves the preparation of thesis proposal, pursuing research on this proposal, and finally an examination based on the thesis leading to the FPM. Under the guidance of faculty members, an exceptional scholar can complete the programme within three years. The minimum duration of the programme is three years and maximum duration is seven years.

Course Structure

Credit Requirement

To be completed in the first year .

Particulars Code No. Course Title Credits
Module I FP01 Research Methodology I & II 3+3
FP02 Managerial Statistics 3
FP03 General Management 3
FP04 System Approach to Management 3
Module 2 FP05 3 Stream specific Course of 3 credits each – in consultation with Guide 3+3+3
FP06 Credit Seminar (General) – in consultation with Guide 3
Module 3 FP07 Credit Seminar (Specific) – in consultation with Guide 3
FP08 Review paper based on the literature on the Thesis related topic(to be guided by guide) 3
Total Credits 33
Elective Courses

Following are the set of electives offered in different areas:

Broad Area Sl. No. FPM Elective Course List
Organizational Behaviour & Human Resource Management 1 Advanced Researches in Organizational Behaviour
2 Advanced HRM
3 Advanced Research in Emotional Intelligence and Organizational Behaviour
4 Advanced Talent Management & Acquisition
5 Advances in Organization Design & Change
6 Change & Leadership & Advanced Organizational Behaviour
7 Conflict Management & Negotiation
8 Emotional Intelligence & Organizational Stress
9 Emotional Intelligence and Advanced Organizational Behaviour
10 Employee Engagement
11 Group Dynamics and Decision Making
12 Managing Transformation & Change
13 Organization Theory and Organizational Development
14 Organizational Change and Leadership
15 Research and Application in People Analytics
16 Research in Personality and Applied Behavioural Science
17 Research Perspective in Advanced Organizational Behaviour, Leadership & Change
18 Researches on Leadership & Organizational Behaviour
19 Strategic HRM: Advances in Research
Economics 1 Advanced Microeconomics
2 Advanced Macroeconomics
3 Behavioural Economics in Action
4 Business Forecasting
5 Development Economics
6 Econometrics
7 Financial Economics
8 Games people play: Strategic thinking for managers
9 Industrial Organization
10 International Business
11 Public Economics
12 Public Policy
Finance 1 Advanced Corporate Finance
2 Advanced Research in Accounting
3 Asset Pricing Theory
4 Behavioural Finance
5 Financial Derivatives
6 Financial Econometrics
7 International Finance
Management Information Systems & Analytics 1 Graph Theory & Combinatorial Optimization
2 Computer Algorithms & Applications
3 System Analysis & Design
4 E-Commerce
5 Cloud Computing
6 Computer Networks
7 Database Management Systems
8 Technology for E-Business
9 Data Analytics
10 Data Mining & Business Intelligence
11 Multi Criteria Decision Making
12 Software Risk Management
Strategy, Innovation & Entrepreneurship 1 Advanced Strategic Management
2 International Strategic Management
3 Strategy and Innovation
4 Seminar on Advanced Methodologies in Strategic Management Research
5 Seminar on Entrepreneurship
6 Concepts in Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility
7 Economics of Strategy
Marketing 1 Measurement Theory in Marketing
2 Marketing and Society
3 Marketing Seminar
4 Marketing Science
5 Marketing Models & Theory
6 Behavioural & Consumer Research
7 Strategic Brand Management
8 Advanced Services Marketing
9 Advanced Applications of Marketing Research Methods
10 Advanced Marketing Communication and Digital Markets
11 Retail Marketing Research & Best Practices
12 Rural & BoP Marketing
13 Structured Literature Review for Marketing
Operations Management and Quantitative Techniques 1 Analytics for Business Research
2 Contemporary Topics in Operations Management
3 Lean Six Sigma
4 Non-Linear Programming
5 Operations Management
6 Operations Research
7 Optimization and Logistics Modelling
8 Project Management
9 Simulation Classical and Advanced Techniques for Optimization
10 Stochastic Process: Theory & Applications
11 Supply Chain Management
12 Supply Chain Modelling Techniques
13 Supply Chain Modelling and Analytics
