Rohan Mukherjee
Education : MS-PhD (IIT Kharagpur)
Specialization : Management Information Systems and Analytics
Designation : Associate Professor ; Area Chair - Management Information Systems & Analytics
Email: r.mukherjee@imi-k.edu.in
- Digital Business Models and Frameworks
- Digital Transformation through AI
- Machine Learning with Python
- Business Data Analytics
- Advanced Business Analytics
- Business Intelligence and Data Modelling
- Information Systems for Managers
- Statistics for Analytics
- Healthcare Analytics
- Vaseem Akram, Rohan Mukherjee, “Housing price convergence: New evidence from Indian cities”, Journal of Economic Studies, (Accepted), June 2023, (ABDC B).
- Chandan Pan, Arnab Poddar, Rohan Mukherjee, Ajoy Kumar Ray, “Impact of categorical and numerical features in ensemble machine learning frameworks for heart disease prediction”, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 76: 103666, Elsevier (2022) (Scopus, Impact Factor: 5.076)
- Sabyasachi Mohapatra, Rohan Mukherjee, Arindam Roy, Anirban Sengupta, Amit Puniyani, “Can Ensemble Machine Learning Methods Predict Stock Returns for Indian Banks Using Technical Indicators?”, Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 15(8), 350, (2022) (ABDC B)
- Rohan Mukherjee, Indubu Gaana Vinod, Indrajit Chakrabarti, Pranab Kumar Dutta, Ajoy Kumar Ray, “Hexagon Based Compressed Diamond Algorithm for motion estimation and its dedicated VLSI system for HD videos”, Expert Systems with Applications, 101, Elsevier (2020) (ABS: 3, Scopus)
- Rohan Mukherjee, PriyabrataSaha, Indrajit Chakrabarti, Pranab Kumar Dutta, Ajoy Kumar Ray, “Fast adaptive motion estimation algorithm and its efficient VLSI system for high definition videos”, Expert Systems with Applications, 101:159-175, Elsevier (2018) (ABS: 3, Scopus)
- Rohan Mukherjee, Baishik Biswas, Indubu Gaana Vinod, “Half-Way Stop Adaptive Pattern Search Algorithm for Motion Estimation and Dedicated VLSI Architecture”, Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, 1-22, Springer (2022) (Scopus, Impact Factor: 2.311)
- Baishik Biswas, Rohan Mukherjee, Indrajit Chakrabarti, Pranab Kumar Dutta, Ajoy Kumar Ray, “A High-Speed VLSI Architecture for Motion Estimation Using Modified Adaptive Rood Pattern Search Algorithm”, Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, 37(10): 4548-4567, Springer (2018) (Scopus, Impact Factor: 2.311)
- Rohan Mukherjee, Baishik Biswas, Indrajit Chakrabarti, Pranab Kumar Dutta, Somnath Sengupta, Ajoy Kumar Ray, “Speed-Area Optimized VLSI Architecture of Hexagonal Search Algorithm for Motion Estimation of 512×512 Frames”, Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, 36(2): 640-657, Springer (2017) (Scopus, Impact Factor: 2.311)
- Rohan Mukherjee , Keyur Sheth, Anindya Sundar Dhar, Indrajit Chakrabarti, Somnath Sengupta, “High Performance VLSI Architecture for Three-Step Search Algorithm”, Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, 34(5): 1595-1612, Springer (2015) (Scopus, Impact Factor: 2.311)
- Rohan Mukherjee, Baishik Biswas, Indrajit Chakrabarti, Pranab Kumar Dutta, Ajoy Kumar Ray, “Efficient VLSI Design of Adaptive Rood Pattern Search Algorithm for Motion Estimation of High Definition Videos”, Microprocessors and Microsystems, 45:105-114, Elsevier (2016) (Scopus, Impact Factor: 3.503)
- Rohan Mukherjee, Vikrant Mahajan, Indrajit Chakrabarti, Anindya Sundar Dhar, “High Performance VLSI Design of Diamond Search Algorithm for Fast Motion Estimation”, Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers, 25(9):1- 16, World Scientific (2016) (Scopus, Impact Factor: 1.278)
- Baishik Biswas, Rohan Mukherjee, Indrajit Chakrabarti, “Efficient Architecture of Adaptive Rood Pattern Search Technique for Fast Motion Estimation”, Microprocessors and Microsystems, 39(3):200-209, Elsevier (2015) (Scopus, Impact Factor: 3.503)
- Arindam Roy, Rohan Mukherjee, Soumen Moulik, Amitabha Chakrabarti, “Human Fall Prediction Using Ensemble Learning Technique”, 2022 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics, July. 2022, Taiwan.
- Rohan Mukherjee, Amit Puniyani, “A Fast Adaptive Algorithm for Sub-Pixel Motion Estimation”, 2022 IEEE TENSYMP, July. 2022, IIT-Bombay, India.
- Arnab Poddar, Rohan Mukherjee, Jayanta Mukhopadhyay, Prabir Kumar Biswas, “MultiDIAS: A Hierarchical Multi-layered Document Image Annotation System”, 2018 Workshop on Document Analysis and Recognition, ICVGIP, Dec. 2018, India.
- Rohan Mukherjee, Anupam Banerjee, Avirup Maulik, Indrajit Chakrabarti, Pranab Kumar Dutta, Ajoy Kumar Ray, “An efficient VLSI design of CAVLC encoder”, 2017 IEEE TENCON, Nov. 2017, Penang, Malaysia.
- Rohan Mukherjee, Arnab Poddar, Anupam Banerjee, Indrajit Chakrabarti, Pranab Kumar Dutta, Ajoy Kumar Ray, “A High-Speed FPGA-based Implementation of Inverse Integer Transform Algorithm of H. 264”, 2017 IEEE INDICON, Dec. 2017, IIT-Roorkee, India.
- Rohan Mukherjee, Anupam Banerjee, Indrajit Chakrabarti, Pranab Kumar Dutta, Ajoy Kumar Ray, “Efficient VLSI design of CAVLC decoder of H. 264 for HD videos”, 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Embedded Computing and System Design , Dec. 2017, India.
- Rohan Mukherjee, Anupam Banerjee, Indrajit Chakrabarti, Pranab Kumar Dutta, Ajoy Kumar Ray, “An efficient FPGA based implementation of forward integer transform and quantization algorithm of H. 264”, 2016 IEEE Distributed Computing, VLSI, Electrical Circuits and Robotics, Aug. 2016, India.
- Baishik Biswas, Rohan Mukherjee, Indrajit Chakrabarti, “Efficient VLSI Architecture for motion estimation using New Three Step Search (NTSS) algorithm”, 2014 IEEE TENCON, Oct. 2014, Bangkok, Thailand.
- Rohan Mukherjee, Indrajit Chakrabarti, Somnath Sengupta, “FPGA Based Implementation of Intra-Prediction Based Encoding of H.264”, 2014 International Conference on VLSI and Signal Processing, IIT-Kharagpur, India.
- Rohan Mukherjee, Vikrant Mahajan, Indrajit Chakrabarti, Somnath Sengupta, “High Performance VLSI Implementation of Context-based Adaptive Variable Length Coding (CAVLC) for H.264 Encoder”, 2013 National Conference on Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Image Processing and Graphics (NCVPRIPG), Dec. 2013, IIT-Rajasthan, India.
- Rohan Mukherjee, Elkapelly Sandeep Kumar, Indrajit Chakrabarti, Somnath Sengupta, “VLSI Architecture of Forward and Inverse Quantization Modules of H.264 for HD Transmission”, 2013 IEEE INDICON, Dec. 2013, IIT-Bombay, India.
- Rohan Mukherjee, Vikrant Mahajan, Indrajit Chakrabarti, Somnath Sengupta, “High Performance VLSI Implementation of CAVLC Decoder of H.264/AVC for HD Transmission”, 2013 IEEE INDICON, Dec. 2013, IIT-Bombay, India.
- Rohan Mukherjee, Indrajit Chakrabarti, Somnath Sengupta, “FPGA Based Architectural Implementation of Context-Based Adaptive Variable Length Coding (CAVLC) for H.264/AVC”. 2012 IET International Conference on Information Science and Control Engineering, Dec. 2012, Shenzhen, China.
- Rohan Mukherjee, Waddi. Hari Prasad, Pandrapragada Dheeraj, Indrajit Chakrabarti, Somnath Sengupta, “High Throughput Pipelined Architecture for Fast 2-D 4×4 Forward Integer Transform of H.264”, 2012 IEEE National Conference on Communications, Kharagpur (NCC), Feb. 2012, IIT-Kharagpur, India.
- System for Motion Estimation in Video Signals for Real Time Video Processing: Filed on 20/08/2014 at Patent Office, Kolkata: Application No.:859/KOL/2014
- System for efficient VLSI architectures for adaptive motion estimation: Filed on 30/04/2015 at Patent Office, Kolkata: Application No.:484/KOL/2015
- Program Director (on behalf on IIM Bodh Gaya) of Executive Certificate Program in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Business with Times TSW
- Program Director (on behalf on IIM Jammu) of Executive Programme for Machine Learning and AI for Business) jointly with Eruditus
- Management Development Program on Data Analytics and Machine Learning with Python (Goa Institute of Management)
Body Sensor Networks-based Fall Detection System Using Advanced Learning Algorithms