Tirthankar Nag
Education : Fellow (IIM Ahmedabad)
Specialization : Strategy, Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Designation : Professor - Strategy, Innovation and Entrepreneurship ; Dean (Research & International Relations) ;Area Chair - Strategy, Innovation & Entrepreneurship
Contact: +91-33-6652 9622
Email: t.nag@imi-k.edu.in
Selected International Research Papers
- Electricity Reforms and Firm Level Responses: Changing Ownership, Fuel Choices, and Technology Decisions, International Journal of Global Energy Issues, 2005, Vol. 23, No.2/3 pp. 260 – 279.
- Baselines for carbon emissions in the Indian and Chinese power sectors: Implications for International Emissions Trading, Energy Policy, Vol. 34, 2006.
- Dangers of Decentralisation in Urban Slums: A Comparative Study of Water Supply and Drainage Service Delivery in Kolkata, India, Development Policy Review 34 (2), 253-276, 2016.
- Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting in India: Exploring Linkages with Firm Performance, Global Business Review 17 (6), 1427-1440, 2016.
- Local self-governance, ethnic division in slums and preference for Water Supply Institutions in Kolkata, India, Water Policy, 18(3), 2016.
- Bharti Airtel and Zain: A Journey into New Territories, Global Business Review 17 (6), 1510-1515, 2016.
- Does corporate social responsibility yield returns? A study of Indian firms. Financial Management, Chartered Institute of Management Accountants UK, London, 2012, November.
- Energy Balance of an Indian Semi-Arid Rural Ecosystem using Field, Ancillary and Geospatial Data, Journal of AgriSearch, March 2015, 2(1): 28-32.
- Strategies to Improve Urban Water Delivery in West Bengal, India: An Analysis Of Water Institutions And Benchmarking Of Water Delivery Organizations, IIM Ahmedabad Working Paper W.P. No. 2013-04-02, April 2013.
- Impact of Power Sector Reforms on Technology, Efficiency, and Emissions: Case Study of Andhra Pradesh, India, Working Paper No. 20, Center for Environmental Science and Policy, Stanford University.
- Impact of Power Sector Reforms on Technology, Efficiency, and Emissions: Case Study of Gujarat, India, Working Paper No. 21, Center for Environmental Science and Policy, Stanford University.
- Captive Power Plants: Case Study of Gujarat, India, Working Paper No. 22, Center for Environmental Science and Policy, Stanford University.
- Baselines for Carbon Emissions in the Indian and Chinese Power Sectors: Implications for the Clean Development Mechanism, Working Paper No. 33, Center for Environmental Science and Policy, Stanford University.
Sponsored Researches
- Trade in Services: A study of linkages between Regional Cooperation and Trade in Health Services sponsored by AICTE
Current Research/Consulting Project
(more projects now have components of both – cost for research and consultancy fees)
- Exploring relationships between Corporate Governance Practices and Financial Performance of Firms in India : Does more focus on governance create increased business value, research project sponsored by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India.
- Exploring strategic interdependencies of value chains of Infrastructure Industries: A study of climate induced vulnerabilities and impact assessment of domestic coal supply chains on power generation in India, research project of Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) and UNDP
- A Tale of North-South IPR Conflicts and Cooperation: Exploring the interplay of Market Structure, FDI, Imitation, Innovation and IPRs in the Pharma Industry in India and Canada sponsored by Shastri Indo-Canada Institutional collaborative Research Grant : 2020-21.
Books / Book Chapters
- Electricity Reforms in India: Firm Choices and Emerging Generation Markets, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2004.
- Transition: Policy and Environmental Shifts – Implications for Technology Strategies and Green Orientation. Saarbrücken, Germany: Lap Lambert Academic Publishing, 2012.
- Social Responsibility Strategies in China and India: A Comparative Exploration, in China and India: History, Culture, Cooperation and Competition, Sage Publications India Pvt Ltd, 2016.
- Corporate Governance in South Africa in Corporate Governance, Responsibility and Sustainability eds. Arindam Banik, Ananda Dasgupta and Pradip Bhaumik, Palgrave Macmillan, September 2015.
- Agriculture Pump sets: Converting Revenue Subsidy into Capital Subsidy, in A Guide Book to Implement Agriculture Demand Side Management, India Core Publishing, New Delhi, 2011.
- Captive Generation in India: Dilemma of Dualism, in India Infrastructure Report 2010, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2010.
- Electricity Reforms, Firm Level Responses and Environmental Implications, in Against the Current (Vol. III): Electricity Act and Technical Choices for the Power Sector in India, eds. Prem K. Kalra and Joel Ruet, Centre De Sciences Humaines, 2006
Conference Papers / Presentations
- Rural Energy Balance Assessment using Geospatial Data: A Tool towards Rural Resources Management in India at Fourth Pan IIM Conference, December 13-15, 2016 at IIM Ahmedabad.
- Cultural Impact on Website Design of schools: A cross cultural comparative study in the Indian, Chinese and American context at International Conference on India, China and the New World Order: Economic, Social and Cultural Dimensions, November 24-25, 2016.
- Tourism in India: Trends and Strategies-A review of Indian Tourism Sector at conference on Commercial and Tourism between Galicia and developing countries: Current situation and possibilities, O Porriño, Spain, November 21-23, 2016.
- Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting in India: Exploring Linkages with Firm Performance and Development, at APEA Tenth Annual Conference hosted by National Taiwan University, July 2015, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Barriers to Cross Border Energy Cooperation & Implications on Energy Security and the Environment: An Indian Perspective with Reference to Energy Trade in South Asia, 2014, organized by SANEI at Bangladesh.
- Dangers of Decentralisation in Urban Slums: A Comparative Study on Water Supply and Drainage: Service Delivery in Kolkata, India in Rethinking Urbanisation and Equity in Asia: Harnessing the Potential of Urban Living for All Children organized by Institute of Development Studies and UNICEF at UK, 9 – 10 June 2014.
- Slum Development Approaches in India: Governance and Public Policy Options in Rethinking Urbanisation and Equity in Asia: Harnessing the Potential of Urban Living for All Children organized by Institute of Development Studies, UK and UNICEF, 9 – 10 June 2014.
- Strategies for technology selection under environmental constraints, Aug 8 -11, 2011, organized by AIT at Bangkok.
- Evaluating mitigation potential for greenhouse gas emissions and Financial Analysis of technologies, Sep 15 -17, 2010, workshop on Technology Needs Assessment, funded by GEF through UNEP and arranged by AIT at Bangkok.
- Decentralization Criteria and Political Economy: A Study on Service Delivery in Slums of Kolkata, India”, was presented at the ’10th Annual Conference on Economic Growth and Development’ organized by the Indian Statistical Institute, New Delhi, December 18 – 20, 2014. Conference link and paper: www.isid.ac.in
- Access to Water & Sanitation Services for the Urban Poor, December, 2012, organized by Marga Institute & SANEI at Colombo, Srilanka.
- Strategies for technology selection under environmental constraints, Aug 8 -11, 2011, organized by AIT at Bangkok.
- Evaluating mitigation potential for greenhouse gas emissions and Financial Analysis of technologies, Sep 15 -17, 2010, workshop on Technology Needs Assessment, funded by GEF through UNEP and arranged by AIT at Bangkok.
- Corporate Responsibility for Sustainable Economic and Social Development, Environment Partnership Summit 2009 organized by Indian Chamber of Commerce and Department of Environment, Government of West Bengal, Feb 19-21, 2009.
- Issues in Realization of CDM Benefits & Support Options for Policymakers, Conference organized by World Bank, Bhubaneswar, Orissa, Oct 10-11, 2007.
- Managing Emissions from Indian Electricity Sector, The fifth International Conference on Operational Research for Development (ICORD-V), Dec 19-21, 2005, at XLRI Jamshedpur.
- State Level Reforms, Firm Choices and Externalities: Case Study of Gujarat and AP at conference on Electricity Reforms in India: Firm Choices, Emerging Markets and Externalities, Sep 23-24, 2004, at New Delhi sponsored by USAID.
- Financing the Climate-friendly Development Pathway at conference on Development and Climate, Sep 27-28, 2004, at New Delhi organized by RIVM, The Netherlands.
Invited Discussions
- Television discussion on “India’s Energy Sector”, on February 19th 2010, arranged by Dun & Bradstreet Information Services India Pvt. Ltd. in association with Bloomberg UTV.
- Discussion on ‘Energy – Hydro power and Water resources’ in Roundtable on Advancing BBIN Sub-Regional Cooperation, March 16-17, 2017
Professional Services
- Guiding Doctoral Candidates
- Guiding doctoral candidates at CEPT University, Ahmedabad.
- Guiding Entrepreneurs
- Mentor at CIIE (Centre for Innovation, Incubation & Entrepreneurship), IIM Ahmedabad.
- “Agriculture Pump Sets: Converting Revenue Subsidy into Capital Subsidy”,in A Guide Book to Implement Agriculture Demand Side Management, New Delhi: India Core Publishing, 2011.
- Transition: Policy and Environmental Shifts – Implications for Technology Strategies and Green Orientation, Lap Lambert Academic Publishing Saarbrücken, Germany, 2012.
- Bhattacharyya, A. K., & Nag, T., ‘Does corporate social responsibility yield returns? A study of Indian firms’, Financial Management, Chartered Institute of Management Accountants UK, London, November, 2012, pp. 50−53.
- Prof. Tirthankar Nag’s research paper titled ‘Strategies to improve urban water delivery in West Bengal, India: An analysis of water institutions and benchmarking of water delivery organizations’ shall be published in ‘Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability’ journal in its October 2013 issue.
- Prof. Tirthankar Nag’s research proposal has been selected among the top ten research proposals in South Asia by ‘South Asia Network of Economic Research Institutes (SANEI) in its 15th Round Regional Research Competition. SANEI is a SAARC recognized organization and the South Asian Regional Network Partner of Global Development Network.
- Dr. Tirthankar Nag, Dean (Academics) and Dr. Buroshiva Dasgupta, Professor, developed a case study –The March of Jagran: Realizing & Sustaining Market Leadership– the growth story of Dainik Jagran, a Hindi daily – based on their study of Jagran Prakashan Ltd. It is an effort to highlight the business side of the print media and will be part of the curriculum at IMI Kolkata. This is an initiative to bridge the academia-industry gap and bring in real life decision-making inside the classroom. The case study was released in the IMI Kolkata campus on July 2, 2013 in presence of the representatives from Jagran Prakashan Ltd., the executives from the media fraternity, a faculty member from Colorado State University and the faculty members from IMI Kolkata.
Awards & Recognition
- Award for Best Thesis Proposal (Chaudhary Padmanabhan Pant Award) from Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad.
- Awarded in 15th Regional Research Competition conducted by SANEI, GDN across South Asia.
- Awarded in 13th Regional Research Competition conducted by SANEI, GDN across South Asia.
- Sahir Memorial Award from Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad.
- World Bank Institute’s award certificate for “Transparency in Infrastructure Concessions” conducted across multiple nations.
- Recognition from Centre for Innovation, Incubation & Entrepreneurship (CIIE) for creating a better ecosystem for promoting entrepreneurship.
- Editor, Journal of Operations and Strategic Planning, SAGE Publications
- Managing Consulting Engagement
- Design Thinking for Innovation
- Business Strategy
- System Approach to Management
- Advanced Strategic Management
- Research Methodology I