Kishalay Adhikari
Education : PhD (NIT Rourkela), PGDM (BIMM Pune), BBA (BIT Mesra)
Specialization : Marketing
Designation : Assistant Professor- Marketing Area
Contact: 033-66529619
Email: k.adhikari@imi-k.edu.in
- Adhikari, K. and Panda, K. (2020). Evaluation of brand relationship quality using formative index: A novel measurement approach, Journal of Product & Brand Management, Vol. 29, No. 4, pp. 505-516 (ABDC-A, Scopus, SSCI).
- Adhikari, K. and Panda, R.K. (2020). Examining the role of Social Networking Fatigue towards Discontinuance Intention: The Multi-group effects of Gender and Age, Journal of Internet Commerce, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 125-152 (ABDC-B, Scopus).
- Adhikari, K. and Panda, R.K. (2018). Users’ information privacy concerns and privacy protection behavior in social networks, Journal of Global Marketing, Vol. 31 No. 2, pp. 96-110 (ABDC-B, Scopus).
- Kumar, N., Panda, R.K., and Adhikari, K. (2022). Transforming Tourists’ Intentions Through Destination Engagement: Insights from Transformative Learning Theory, The Service Industries Journal, Vol. 42, No. 9-10, pp. 688-715 (ABDC-B, Scopus).
- Kumar, N., Panda, R.K., and Adhikari, K. (2022). Tourists’ engagement and willingness to pay behavior during COVID-19: an assessment of antecedents, consequences and intermediate relationships, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights (ahead-of-print). (DOI:10.1108/JHTI-02-2022-0050) (ESCI, Scopus).
- Adhikari, K. and Panda, R.K. (2019): The role of consumer-brand engagement towards driving brand loyalty: Mediating role of relationship quality, Journal of Modelling in Management, 14 No. 4, pp. 987-1005 (ABDC-C, Scopus).
- Mishra, D.N., Panda, R.K. and Adhikari, K. (2022). Evaluating visitors’ sentiment towards wellness resorts: Insights from an emerging market, International Journal of Business Information Systems (ahead-of-print) (DOI:10.1504/IJBIS.2022.10051488) (ABDC-C, Scopus)
- Adhikari, K. and Panda, K. (2017). Social Media Brand Communities and Brand Loyalty: An Integrated AHP Approach. International Journal of Virtual Communities and Social Networking, Vol. 9 No. 2, pp. 62-79 (Peer-reviewed).
- Adhikari, K. and Panda, R. K. (2020): Consumer Segmentation using Facebook profile pictures: A two-step Clustering approach, AMA Winter Academic Conference, Feb 14-16, 2020, San Diego,
- Adhikari, and Panda, R.K. (2019): Application of Best-Worst method & Analytic Hierarchy Process in brand selection, ISDSI Conference, Dec 27-30, 2019, IIM Sambalpur.
- Adhikari, K. and Panda, R.K. (2017): Users’ information privacy concerns and privacy protection behavior in social networks: Evidence from India, NASMEI- IIM Indore Summer Marketing Conference, July 27-29, 2017.
- Adhikari, and Panda, R.K. (2017): Index construction for assessing brand relationship quality: A new measurement, 17th COSMAR, Nov 20-22, 2017, IISc Bangalore.
- Marketing for Digital Economy
- Digital Marketing
- Marketing Management
Research interests
- Customer Engagement
- Social Networks
- Destination Marketing
- Information Privacy
- ICSSR Doctoral Fellowship 2017-19.
- Best Paper (Doctoral category), NASMEI- IIM Indore Summer Marketing Conference, July, 2017.
- First Prize (Poster & Oral presentation) in Research Scholars’ Week (2019) organized by NIT Rourkela, April, 2019.