Rituparna Basu
Education : Ph.D. (IIT Kharagpur)
Specialization : Marketing
Designation : Professor – Marketing ; Area Chair - Marketing
Contact: +91-33-6652 9659
Email: r.basu@imi-k.edu.in
International Journal Publications
- Basu R., and Sondhi, N. (2016/17 forthcoming), Profiling Sports Spectators in Emerging Markets: Role of Sports Involvement as a Segmentation Tool, International Journal of Sports Management and Marketing (Inderscience)
- Basu R., Kumar, S. and Goyal, N. (2016/17 forthcoming), Profiling Emerging market Investors: A Segmentation Approach, International Journal of Bank Marketing (Emerald)
- Basu R. and Datta B., Roy G. (2017), Effect of eWOM Valence on Online Retail Sales, Global Business Review (Sage), 18(1), 1-12.(DOIhttp://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0972150916666966)
- Roy, G., Datta, B., & Basu, R. (2017). Trends and Future Directions in Online Marketing Research. Journal of Internet Commerce, 16(1), 1-31. (DOI http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/15332861.2016.1258929)
- Sondhi, N. and Basu R., (2016), A Tri-Component Model of Parental Attitude: Child’s Role in Family Decision Making, International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management (Inderscience), 12(2), 237-254. (DOI http://www.inderscienceonline.com/doi/abs/10.1504/IJICBM.2016.074483)
- Basu R, and Sondhi N. (2015), An Empirical Analysis of Purchase Behaviour for Football Ancillaries: An Emerging Market Perspective, Global Business Review (Sage), 16(5), 879-90. (DOI http://gbr.sagepub.com/content/16/5/879.short)
- Basu R. (2015), Are They Really Different? A Study on Apparel Shoppers’ Retail Format Perception in US and India, Global Business Review (Sage), 16(1), 123-36. (DOI http://gbr.sagepub.com/content/16/1/123.short)
- Basu R., and Sondhi, N. (2014), Child Socialization Practices: Implications for Retailers in Emerging Markets, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services (Elsevier), 21 (5), 797-803. (DOI http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S096969891400085X)
- Basu R. (2014),Entrepreneurship Education in India: A Critical Assessment and a Proposed Framework, Technology Innovation Management Review (Carleton University), 4(8), 5-10.(DOI http://timreview.ca/article/817)
- Basu R., Sengupta K., and Guin. K. K. (2014), Do Apparel Store Formats Matter to Indian Shoppers, International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management (Emerald), 42(8), 698-716. (DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/IJRDM-03-2013-0065 )
- Sondhi, N. and Basu R. (2014), Role of Children in Family Purchase across Indian Parental clusters. Young Consumers (Emerald), 15 (4), 365-79.(DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/YC-10-2013-00402)
Select Publications in National Journals
- Basu R. (2013), A Review of Contemporary Retail Formats in Emerging India, Indian Journal of Marketing, 43 (11), 30-35. (DOI http://indianjournalofmarketing.com/index.php/ijom/article/view/80506)
- Basu R., Sengupta K., and Guin K. K. (2012), Format Perception of Indian Apparel Shoppers: Case of Single and Multi Brand Stores, IUP Journal of Marketing Management; 11(3) (August 2012), 25-37.(DOI http://search.proquest.com/openview/a45ec87fa9f5dfce952019e11b7fbb30/1?pq-origsite=gscholar)
Published Teaching Cases
- Sondhi, N. and Basu R. (forthcoming), Clubb International Pvt Ltd: Marching Ahead to New Travels (Teaching Note included), ISB-Ivey Case, Ivey Publishing (Overall winner in ISB-Ivey Global Case Competition 2017)
- Basu R. and Sondhi N., (2016 Dec), Media Industry: The Road Ahead For Sanmarg Hindi Language Daily (Teaching Note included), Thunderbird Case Series, Thunderbird , a unit of the Arizona State University Knowledge Enterprise (available on HBSP collection) (DOI https://cb.hbsp.harvard.edu/cbmp/product/TB0463-PDF-ENG)
- Basu R. Nag T. and Dasgupta B. (2017). Dainik Jagran: Sustaining Leadership in the Newspaper Industry (Teaching Note included), Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies (Emerald), 7(1), 1-36. (DOI http://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/abs/10.1108/EEMCS-05-2016-0083?af=R)
- Basu R. (2015),Promoting Oral Health in Rural India: The Case of Pepsodent—Case Discussion, Global Business Review (Sage), 16(3), 540-542 (DOI http://gbr.sagepub.com/content/16/3/540.short)
List of Publications (Conference Proceedings)
- Basu R., Banik A., and Khatun R. (2017). Measuring the Barriers to Trade in Banking and Financial Services in BRICS Economies (full paper), APEA 2017: 13th Annual Conference of Asia Pacific Economic Association, July 14-15, 2017.
- Basu R., Datta B., and Roy G. (2016 forthcoming), Role Of Mixed Neutral Electronic Word Of Mouth On Online Purchase Intention (full paper) accepted for presentation at IIMC MARCON 2016: 4th International Marketing Conference, December 22-24, 2016.
- Basu R. (2015), Retailing in China and India: A Critical Review, Sino-India Forum 2015, Nov. 26-27, 2015, Sichuan Academy of Social Sciences (SASS), Chengdu, China. (on special invitation)
- Basu R, and Sondhi N. (2014), An Empirical Analysis of Purchase Behaviour for Football Ancillaries: An Emerging Market Perspective Emerging Markets Evolving Perspectives, Dec. 16-17, 2014, IMI- Kolkata
- Basu R, and Dixit S. (2013), A Conceptual review of CHAID response modeling in marketing research, 7th ISDSI & 5th OSCM International Conference, Dec. 28-30, 2013, IMI, New Delhi
- Basu R, and Sengupta K. (2011), Customer Perception of Single Brand and Multi Brand Retail Formats: An Empirical Evidence in India, AIMS8 and IIMA conference selected papers, paper ref no. P8388 (Full paper)
- Basu R. and Dey S., (2009), Green Marketing as a Strategic Flexibility Option: a Comparative Sectoral Insight, GLOGIFT conference proceedings (Full paper)
- Basu R, (2007), Inquiring a Cross Effect of Marketing a Media Product on its Advertising Market, National conference on business optimization research wave, NITIE conference proceedings (Full paper)
Awards & Recognition
- Overall Winner- 1st Place in ‘ISB-Ivey Global Case Competition 2017’
- Recipient of the ‘AIMS-IRMA Young Woman Management Teacher’ Award 2016
- Recipient of Venus International Foundation’s ‘Outstanding Woman in Management’ Award 2017
- Gold Medal for Highest Academic Achievement in Masters of Business Administration from IMM (Viswa Bharati University), 2001
- West Bengal State Education Board’s Merit Award for Outstanding Performance
- Marketing Management I
- Customer Relationship Management
- Entertainment, Media and Sports Marketing
- Entrepreneurship
- Strategic Brand and Product Management
- Retail Marketing Research and Best Practices